May 20, 2024 || Social Islami Bank Opens Ten Sub-branches

Social Islami Bank opened ten new sub-branches on 20 May at the bank’s head office. Zafar Alam, Managing Director and CEO, inaugurated the sub-branches as the chief guest while Mohammad Forkanullah, Deputy Managing Director, presided over the program. Mohammad Habibur Rahman, Deputy Managing Director, and Joynal Abedin, Head of BCD, delivered speech on the program. A A M Habibur Rahman, Head of ICCD, Divisional Heads and senior officials of head office were also present on the occasion. Zonal Heads, Managers of different branches and subbranch in-charges, local dignitaries also joined the program virtually. The sub-branches are Guimara Sub-branch at Khagrachari; Abu Torab Sub-branch, Khaja Road Sub-branch, Kanuram Bazar Sub-branch, Islamia Bazar Sub-branch at Chattogram; Chnagalnaiya Sub-branch at Feni; Manikgonj Sub-branch at Manikgonj; Hari shordar Bazar Sub-branch at Cumilla; Gharmora Bazar Sub-branch at Cumilla; Ibrahimpur Sub-branch at Dhaka.
Zafar Alam, MD & CEO, said that Islami Banking runs on the principles of Shariah and is completely free from any kind of interest, which is beneficial for all. He mentioned that one-third of the remittance inflow is contributed by Islami banks, and our bank ranks second at present. He also added that clients are showing interest in our bank and the number is increasing every day. He hoped that we will reach the client base of 50 lac very soon.