Credit Card
1.Card Activation:
Please contract our callcenter Number : 16491 (for locally) & 09612001122 (for Internationally).
2.PIN :
- ATM & POS PIN will be used for both ATM & POS transaction only.
- You can change your PIN from SIBL or Q-Cash ATM.
3.Fees & charges and transaction limit :
- Please see the attached schedule of charges. Click here
4.For internet transaction :
- Request card department to allow internet transaction mentioning amount, date & time.
- Request to deactivate internet purchase option after your purpose served.
- If foreign currency transaction, passport endorsement is mandatory.
5.Maximum limit of POS per transaction :
- Maximum limit of POS per transaction for Gold and Platinum cardholders USD1750 & USD4350 or Equivalent BDT
- Maximum limit of POS per transaction for Classic cardholders USD435 or Equivalent BDT
- Maximum limit of ATM per transaction BDT 10,000 or equivalent USD
6.Payment of card dues :
- Please use 16 digit card number for card payment.
- Please use separate deposit slip for BDT & USD payment.
- Auto debit instruction will be executed on payment due date.
7.Lost or Stolen report :
In case the card has been stolen or lost, please immediately inform us
Call: 16491 (for locally) & 09612001122 (for Internationally)
8.For visit abroad (foreign transaction) :
- Endorse your passport before travelling abroad.
- Request card department to allow foreign transaction mentioning amount & date.
- Immediately inform us after your return to Bangladesh.
9.Usages on ATM :
- Carefully follow the instructions on the ATM display.
- Entering three times wrong PIN may capture your card.
- If your card is captured by ATM, please inform us to block the card.
10.Update / change contact :
- For any change or update contact, please send us application to the following ways:
- Signed application
- Email from your email address, enrolled with bank
11.Fund Transfer :
- Please send your application within cutover time. After application of cutover time will be processed in next working day.
- Balance transfer to SIBL Account: cutover time is 3PM.
12.Renewed Card :
- Check the expiry date of your card. If you do not receive the renewed card after expiry, please inform us immediately.
Debit Card
1.Card Activation:
- Request to branch to active the card.
2.PIN change :
- Please change your default PIN before transaction, otherwise you will not be able to use the card. PIN code can be changed from SIBL or Q-Cash ATM.
3.Foreign Currency Transaction :
- Foreign currency transaction would not allowed for debit card.
- ATM & POS PIN will be used for both ATM & POS transaction only.
- You can change your PIN from SIBL or Q-Cash ATM
5.Fees & charges:
- Fees & charges for NPSB & Q-Cash network will be applicable.
6.For internet transaction:
- Request card department to allow internet transaction mentioning amount, date & time.
- Request card department to deactivate internet purchase option after your purpose served.
7.Lost or Stolen report:
In case the card has been stolen or lost, please immediately inform us Call: 16491 (for locally) & 09612001122 (for Internationally)
8.Usages on ATM:
- Carefully follow the instructions on the ATM display.
- Entering three times wrong PIN may capture your card.
- If your card is captured by ATM, please inform us to block the card.
9.Renewed Card:
- Check the expiry date of your card. If you do not receive the renewed card after expiry, please contract to your account opening branch.
Security Awareness
Please do not share / handover your Card & PIN to anyone.
Our 24X7 service center number: Call: 16491 (for locally) & 09612001122 (for Internationally) or mail to